Standard Insert into liquid nitrogen-shielded liquid helium dewar
Indium-sealed vacuum can with provision for demountable tails
Mixture condensing with 1K Pot, equipped with hermetic needle valve
Standard DR Stage with demountable plates
Resistive temperature sensors installed on all stages with proper wiring and heat-anchoring, including Janis Resistive Sensor (JRS1000) calibrated down to 10 mK
LSCI 370S Resistance Bridge with executable Windows program for customer’s lab computer (Labview source included)
32 shielded manganin wires in twisted pairs, installed and thermally anchored for experimental applications
Manual gas handling system GHS1 with hermetic Roots pumping stations
Optimized 3He-4He mixture includedVarious models of vapor-shielded helium dewars, including superefficient
Top- or bottom-loading superconducting magnets, including vector and split-magnets
Automated needle valve with step-motor driver
Automated gas handling system (GHS2) with electromagnetic valves, cRIO controller, color touch-panel and integrated LSCI 370S Resistance Bridge
Oil-free pumps, including Roots and turbo models
Normal and superconducting RF wires in shielded twisted pairs down to mixing chamber
High frequency (up to 40 GHz) cables down to mixing chamber
Sample-into-vacuum delivery manipulators
Self-calibrating CMN and FPD thermometry down to 7 mK with read-out