Charcoal sorption pump with heater and thermometer
1 K pot with thermometer
He-3 pot with heater and thermometer
Permanently stored He-3 gas
IVC can
Operation testResistive and/or superconducting wires
Coaxial cables
Fiber optics
Clear shots to IVC
1 K cold plate
Computer controller motorized 1 K pot cryogenic needle valve
Rotating sample holder
High efficiency helium dewar
Sliding seal
Automatic temperature controller
Superconducting magnet
Magnet support with high current leads
Magnet power supply
IVC tail for superconducting magnet
Low eddy current cold finger
"10 K" radiation shield for operating temperature up to 300 K in full magnetic fields
Liquid helium level probe
Digital cryogen monitor
Liquid helium transfer line
1 K pot pumping station
Turbo pumping station